Fully enjoy
care tips

Of course you want to enjoy your orchid for as long as possible. We are happy to help you on your way with some care tips.


Phalaenopsis plants grow well at normal room temperatures, ideally between 15 and 25°C. Place the plant in a bright spot, avoiding direct sunlight in the summer months (April to August). This can cause the leaves to turn yellow. If the plant is losing flower buds or leaves, on the other hand, it can mean it isn't getting enough light.


Water the Phalaenopsis once a week. Stand the growing pot in a few centimetres of water for 10 minutes. This enables the roots to absorb enough water. Then put the Phalaenopsis back in the decorative outer pot. Be careful not to leave water in the outer pot; orchids don’t like having wet feet. To gain maximum enjoyment from the flowers, fertilise your orchid with Pokon or Culvita once a month.


... you can cut off the aerial roots that stick out above the pot?

... you can tell an orchid needs water if it has grey roots?

... orchids don’t like draughts, ripening fruit, flower bulbs or big temperature differences?


Can’t immerse your orchid because it’s in an arrangement? If so, place two ice cubes next to the leaves of the plant twice a week or pour 40 ml of water next to the heart of the plant twice a week.


Trim the flower stems by 2 cm, cutting at an angle, and place the bouquet in a clean vase of lukewarm water. Then add some cut flower food to the water. For an optimum result, change the water twice a week, trimming the stems when you do so.